What is ISPE?
Founded in 1980, ISPE is a nonprofit association dedicated to the technical side of the pharmaceutical industry; through the development of practical applications of science and technology, ISPE has built an extensive membership base of technical professionals who continually work to foster innovation and growth in this rapidly evolving field.
Why Join the UW-Madison Student Chapter?
As a member of the ISPE UW Madison student chapter, you will have the opportunity to learn all about the field of pharmaceutical manufacturing, attend networking and information sessions with professionals at major pharmaceutical companies, and become a part of a tight-knit community of peers who are also interested in pursuing this career path.
Attend fun social events with other ISPE UW-Madison chapter members! Social events provide a way to get to know other members of the club, and connect with a group of peers who are interested in the same career path! Social planning is currently in progress for the upcoming months, so keep on the lookout for emails from us!
Attend industry tours of pharmaceutical companies in the Madison Area, and see what a day-in-the-life in the industry might look like! These industry tours will also provide networking opportunities to connect with and learn from company leaders. We are currently aiming to sponsor two (or more) industry tour opportunities per semester.
Attend National Conferences hosted by ISPE! National conferences provide amazing opportunities to network with ISPE professionals as well as learn about new technology and process implementations in the pharmaceutical industry. ISPE National Conferences are hosted in a variety of locations across the country, and a comprehensive list for 2025 can be found here. If you are interested in potentially attending conferences, reach out to us via email or in-person so that we can provide you with more information!
Attend resume review workshops and receive advice from other ISPE UW-Madison chapter members who have obtained internships and full-time roles in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries!
Connect with both professionals in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as peers who are interested in pursuing careers in the field! Keep on the lookout for emails from us about upcoming networking opportunities/events!